What it is?

Action learning is a facilitated group process for 6 to 8 people who meet regularly for an agreed number of meetings to find solutions to challenges and to develop team effectiveness.   It provides a challenging space for reflective learning and creates potential for individual and organisational development.  Managers use action learning to review their established practice and develop more effective ways of working.

What you will learn?

Action Learning offers?

  • Support, challenge and feedback from peers
  • Development of listening and diagnostic skills
  • A safe environment to explore strengths and weaknesses
  • Problem solving time which gives opportunity for personal learning
  • Insight through the group process into the way individuals relate in a small group

Action learning is used

  • To support organisational development and change
  • To test out new ways of working
  • To work out ways to deal with complex situations
  • To create reflection time for learning
  • To support leadership development


Who is it for?

Sets can be made up of people from the same team or across teams.  The first session will introduce how action learning works and practice some of the skills.  Members of the group will bring live issues they want to work on to each set meeting.

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