My facilitator journey – next chapter

My facilitator journey – next chapter

As a facilitator and coach, I am always looking for ways to develop my uniqueness and to truly understand the art of group facilitation.  As part of this I was selected to commit to a 7 stage process to become a master facilitator of a 5 day residential programme called Turning Point. I have just come back from stage 4.

As a leader, how do you stay connected to what really matters?

As a leader, how do you stay connected to what really matters?

Like many of you, I have a busy life juggling lots of different elements of my life. Being busy doesn’t mean that what I am doing matters or more importantly is having a positive impact.   So how does one stay connected to why they are doing?  In my recent experience of facilitating a leadership programme in Kenya I became clear about two elements that for me help me do this.  

The power of bringing diversity into one room

The power of bringing diversity into one room

The power of getting a group of young people from a diverse range of backgrounds, religions, political views, social status and professions for 12 days to explore their leadership using creative tools and psychological theory always astounds me.

The difference meaning makes to our work

The difference meaning makes to our work

Spending time reflecting on the meaning of what you do can have a significant impact on individual and team work. My experience of working with a team in an extremely challenging environment made this even more visible.